Carbon Literacy training for the wine industry
What is a Carbon Literacy course?
“Carbon Literacy is an awareness of the carbon costs and impacts of everyday activities and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions, on an individual, community and organisational basis.”
This course has been developed especially for the wine industry, to make it relevant to you and the environment you work in. Used as an introduction to sustainability, it can help your organisation understand the issues and work together to develop solutions.
Bespoke workshops available or join one of my scheduled courses.
Fran Draper
Course Tutor
Freelance consultant specialising in marketing and sustainability in the wine industry
25 years experience in the wine industry
CIM Diploma in Sustainable Marketing
Chartered Marketer
Carbon Literate Certified and Carbon Literacy Facilitator accredited
Carbon Literacy course developed specifically for the wine industry by Fran Draper
I've lived and breathed the wine industry for 25 years and I know the commercial complexities as well as the environmental pressures. For tomorrow's wine to be even better than today's we need to change and evolve to a greener industry. This course will help you and your organisation start on this journey.
Choose between bespoke courses designed for your organisation, or scheduled courses suitable for anyone working in the wine industry
Bespoke courses
Adapted to your organisation
In-house or online
2 x half day sessions or full day session
Company specific workshop
Scheduled courses
Wine industry relevant workshop
Meet industry peers to share ideas
Online course
2 x half day sessions or full day session
£165 per person
Key Outcomes of the course
Action Plan
Develop a workplace action plan to engage employees in moving towards net zero.
Learn about business threats and opportunities associated with climate change, and find out what the big impact areas are.
Become Carbon Literate Certified and gain a better understanding of sustainability and climate change.
My first qualification for a hundred years! Thanks Fran for putting us through our paces and getting the entire Sustainability in Drinks team qualified.
Judy Kendrick
Partner, Sustainability in Drinks
What a great course to get started on sustainability! We were challenged, inspired and have come away with some great actions to roll out across the business.
Deborah Brooks
Global Marketing Director, Boutinot